Brentford FC training academy

Brentford FC training academy.

Brentford FC training academy

Portable dugouts with wide tread wheels at training academy

Having measured up, designed and made custom stepped in-stand players dugouts back at the old Griffin Park Stadium, Brentford’s next area for investment in player and staff comfort was for the players dugouts at the training academy.

Our portable dugouts have two wheel kits options to make them suitable for different pitch surfaces and ideal as use for training academy dugouts – wide tread portable dugout wheels more suited to grass and slimmer 360 degree swivel braked portable dugout wheels for 3G and artificial surfaces.

Our fixed plane wide tread portable dugouts were the right solution to enable pitches to be rested when needed. Powder coated in red to suit club brand guidelines and black moulded individual seats with club specific vinyl branding to give a sense of ‘Brentford family’ to the dugouts.

  • Signoff layouts and CAD drawings created prior to order
  • Fixed plane 4 metre W 8 seats portable dugouts
  • Individual moulded plastic dugout seats mounted onto framework
  • Sponsor branded vinyl’s applied to rear clear dugout cladding
  • Wide tread dugout wheel kits to help with manoeuvrability
  • On-site assembly by our guys

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